
Google Maps new layer interface

Google Maps new layer interface

Geography According to Google blog reports , Google Maps has released a new layer interface, the new interface added a dozen different layers of the display, including photos, road traffic, public transportation, satellite maps, topographic maps, Google Earth (Google Earth ) and so, experience so many options interface design can easily be viewed and selected.
The new interface with large graphical buttons and drop-down menu form, including all layers included roads, photos, web camera, video, Wikipedia, cycling, Buzz, 45-degree angle, place names, real estate, bus lines and terrain, the user can select the Simplified Chinese language, as when the user selects a layer, the layer will be displayed next to the help information on what this layer is used. Of course, this refers to the international version of Google Maps (maps.google.com), the Chinese version of Google Maps will remove some layers with the nature of user interaction, such as Buzz, Google Earth and other layers.
In addition, the 45-degree angle of the layer increases some U.S. cities, aerial maps, aerial maps of their very high-resolution, zoom, after all vehicles can clearly see the shadow on the ground.
Google Maps new layer interface
New layer interface shows a lot of good information layer, and its operation is more beautiful than the original and simplified interface, scalability is also strong in the future to add more layers if you can support. And the menu will automatically shrink, and will not affect the normal map view.
Google Maps new layer interface
Overall, the new Google Maps interface to give users a better layer map browsing experience.

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